Friday, December 2, 2011

Introduction to Hint Fiction

We'll be looking at the experimental and fairly recent genre of hint fiction today. Hint fiction is defined as a story of 25 words or less that suggests a larger, more complex story.

While learning about hint fiction, I want you to think about why the elements of extremely short fiction (diction, mood, the twist) also need to be considered for your longer works of fiction.

Step by Step for Identifying Characteristics of Hint Fiction Activity: (part 1)

1. Read through the examples of hint and micro fiction

2. Select one story and identify characteristics of micro fiction within your story. Please refer to the "Writing Flash Fiction" article for the characteristics you should be looking for.

3. For each characteristic you find, write the name of your story on one side of an index card. On the other side, comment on how your story demonstrates the specific characteristic. Please try to find 2-3 characteristics, which means you'll be using 2-3 index cards.

4. Post your index card, story title face up, on the white board in the column that corresponds with the characteristic you identified on the other side of the index card.

Part 2:
1. Select an index card from the white board. It must be a story you have not read. DO NOT READ THE OTHER SIDE OF THE INDEX CARD.

2.  Work independently with your new story to describe how the characteristic, indicated by the column you retrieved your card from, is used.  Please write these thoughts in your journal or on a separate piece of paper.

Part 3:

1. Share the story you selected from the white board by reading it.

2. Share your interpretation of how the story demonstrates the designated characteristic.

3. Finally, turn over the other side of the index card and share your classmate's original comment.

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